Interim Chief Executive Officer: Colin Creasy
unceded Algonquin territory of the Anishinaabe people
Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0
I have been a Green Party member since 2006. I was looking for an alternative that fitted my personal social and environmental ethic, and found that in the Green Party. People and Planet first. I was also drawn to the Greens by the fact that they are funded by ordinary people, and not by corporations and unions, and therefore there were no influences from the rich and powerful.
I was also drawn by the fact that policy planning is for 7 generations, and not just until the next election. We need to be cognizant of what government policies will do for future generations. I care about this planet, and what future generations are going to inherit. That is why I am Green.
Financial Agent: Fraser Mowat
unceded Algonquin territory of the Anishinaabe people
Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0
I have been an active member of the Green Party since 2005. I have been involved in campaigns, protests, letter writing campaigns, advocacy and acting as CEO and Financial Agent for EDAs.
My prime focus has been getting the Green message out and advocating for the protection of mother earth. My goal is to leave a better earth for my children and grandchildren. It is time to start giving back to Mother Earth; without her we have no future.
Currently I am the Financial Agent and a member of the executive for our EDA and I am also a Member of the Environmental Action Advisory Committee for the Municipality of North Grenville.
Director: John Carley
unceded Algonquin territory of the Anishinaabe people
Seeley’s Bay, ON K0H 2N0
I am a founder and principal lead of the Citizens Democracy Forum, a gathering of citizens concerned with the decline of democracy in Canada.
Along with other related concerns, I have championed the cause to return the Bank of Canada to its original purpose and mandate. An action that could fund neglected social and infrastructure needs with minimal impact on taxpayers.
Communications Coordinator:
Youth Chair: