Climate Change is critical
The Green Party will advocate for the immediate:
- Transition to a low carbon economy
- Investment in Green Energy
- Investment in conservation and waste reduction
This will create demand for new skills which will provide meaningful, sustainable jobs while protecting our fragile environment.
The Federal government must strengthen the Health Care system. Green MPs advocate for:
- Universal prescription drug coverage
- Complimentary and alternative treatment coverage
- Dental Care
- Mental Health Services
- Home Care
Municipalities are unable to meet fundamental responsibilities due to the lack of adequate funding.
The Green Party advocates to use the Bank of Canada* for the purposes for which it was created, to fund municipal infrastructure and services.
Economic Green Policy Includes the following:
- Facilitate improved Federal, Provincial, Indigenous, and Municipal Governments relationships
- Advocate for a living income for all to help address the need for adequate housing
- Advocate for the Federal Transfer of 1 point of GST directly to municipalities for ongoing needs including housing
- Advocate for Charter status so municipalities have greater autonomy and more funds for services
*The Bank of Canada allows governments to create funding for needed infrastructure and services with lower interest than borrowing from privately owned banks.
Protecting and enhancing our ability to feed ourselves, regardless of imports, is a fundamental responsibility of government.
The Green Party promotes sustainable, locally grown food production in order to achieve our ability to feed ourselves by:
- Find and help innovators
- Build infrastructure to make it happen
- Supporting a federally funded school lunch program
Greens are advocating for high quality food, grown in Canada, for everyone.
Greens will:
- Invest in well-paying local and sustainable jobs
- Forgive student debt held by the federal government
We will set up a Sustainable Generations Fund to invest in trades, apprenticeships and education.
All hands on deck are needed to rebuild national infrastructure, renewable energy builds, clean- tech manufacturing.
The Green Party of Canada’s goal is to build a fair and just society in balance with nature that values the health and vitality of its families, local communities and economies.
Contact us today to share your thoughts and be sure to visit again to continue the discussion.